Stages of the information consultation.
This consultation is offered to you.
Welcome and installation
A warm welcome awaits you!
After completing your administrative file, you’ll be guided to the tattoo removal treatment room, where you’ll have your information consultation.
Explanatory video
An explanatory video will show you the principle, the indications, the results to expect and everything you need to know about laser tattoo removal.
Before any procedure, a questionnaire must be completed to ensure that you have no contraindications to laser tattoo removal.
Initial photograph
To evaluate the effectiveness of the laser session after session, an initial photo of your tattoo is taken and kept in your file as a final souvenir before saying goodbye.
Medical advice
At CtrlZ, medical advice is systematically sought during the information consultation.
The doctor carefully examines your questionnaire and, if necessary, clarifies your answers with you.
Of course, this is the perfect time to ask any questions you may have about laser tattoo removal. The doctor is always ready to listen!
Test area
About ten test shots are taken on a small area of your tattoo.
This enables us to assess the depth, quantity and quality of the ink, as well as your skin’s tolerance to the laser.
Treatment plan
You will then be given a price estimate for your tattoo removal, together with your treatment plan.
You will also receive an information sheet and a pre-treatment sheet.
At the end of the consultation, if you feel like it, and only if you do, you’ll have the chance to make an appointment for your first tattoo removal session!

Specialized care during your tattoo removal
A new routine for new skin
Getting started?
Accompanied by CtrlZ’s medical and paramedical staff, session after session, the fading will become so visible that you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it before!

Steps in a tattoo removal session
Let’s face it, laser tattoo removal isn’t the Garden of Eden!
If you wish, you can apply anaesthetic cream at least 2 hours before the session.
Treatment day!
We welcome you and head for the simple, basic tattoo removal room!
To check that no contraindications have arisen since your last visit, we’ll ask you to answer a few questions.
Nothing complicated!
Medical advice
At CtrlZ, if necessary, medical advice can be sought before a session is carried out, particularly if your questionnaire reveals a new contraindication.
In this case, the doctor is contacted, examines your answers carefully, clarifies them with you and decides whether or not to validate the session.
The serious business begins!
We set you up, protect your eyes and “lasered” your tattoo.
Post act
The tattoo is white after the laser treatment, a sign of good results. Your nurse will then apply a dressing of healing cream.
Back home
Follow the advice given on the post-treatment sheet and, in the following days, apply the healing cream provided.
CtrlZ at the end of the line
Continuous care: our priority!
If you experience any abnormal symptoms after your laser tattoo removal, call the CtrlZ center where you had your tattoo removed.
A medical on-call team will answer your call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to monitor your tattoo removal.
Estimate the cost of your tattoo removal!
CtrlZ has developed a unique Artificial Intelligence, capable of analyzing your tattoo on photos, enabling us to estimate the cost of your treatment.
CtrlZ laser centers
CtrlZ is a team of nurses working in laser centers specializing in hair removal and tattoo removal, throughout France, with the option of seeking medical advice at any time.